Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Crushers: Beverly and Wesley

In an effort to educate* the masses about TNG it's only right to give some character overviews. Let's begin with the Enterprise's first family: Doctor Beverly Crusher and her son, Wesley. There couldn't be a more 1980s sounding pair of names than Beverly and Wesley - and I eat it up, people, I really do.

Doctor Beverly Crusher

As the Chief Medical Officer for the USS Enterprise Dr. Crusher is tasked with keeping the health of the entire crew in tip top shape, and also solving any medical mystery space has to offer. Solving space medical mysteries seems like it should involve a team of at least fifteen people. Though - she does have what looks like a Game Boy device she uses to solve just about every problem that comes across her path. She just waves that machine around and TA-DA! problem solved. Maybe this Game Boy is all the team she needs.

Doc.Bev.Crush. also has somewhat of a history with Capt. Jean-Luc Picard - or at least this is what it seems like from Episode 1. See, JLP brought back DBC's husband's body after he died.....doing something heroic I assume? JLP and DBC make eyes at each other throughout Episode 1, then have a deep conversation about how they will be working together and is that all right?

Get to the meat, TNG. Get to it! I want the juicy details of the torrid affair JLP and DBC had, how JLP is Wesley's real father.....that last part isn't true Neither is the torrid affair between Jean-Luc and Beverly, I mean, maybe it is. I don't know. JLP could also be Wesley's real father - that would be some soap opera style TWISTS! I yearn....I yearn for this.

In summation: Dr. Crusher is a single Doctor Mom on a space boat with a teenage son.

Wesley Crusher

The youthful addition to the group - I'm sure thrown in to get those teenage girls to tune in to TNG. Good thinking, producers, good thinking.

I mean, damn, check out that sweater. *bites knuckles*

At this point, all I know about Wesley is he is a youthful heart throb with a penchant for space exploration. He is always yammering on about how he wants to go onto the bridge, but alas, the Captain will not allow it. Wesley sad.

He enjoys science and walking around the ship.

Ah, The Crushers: tugging at the heartstrings of the viewing audience since 1987.

*By "educate" I mean not educate.

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